What ADL can do?
It can make a page layout by detecting different parts of a manuscript, and try to make automatically a page layout. It can work with:
- headings;
- images;
- image captions;
- body text;
- lists;
- footnotes.
The work with tables is not yet implemented.
ADL can also additionally create electronic books in ePub format, which can be sold in different stores like Apple iBookStore.
Manuscripts Requirements
The manuscripts should be submitted in .docx or .odt file formats, up to 1 MB.
Document Parts
The document must begin with author names, title, and optionally a subtitle. Next, must follow the chapters. No need to include a table of contents because it will be added later.
In general, the program will better understand the structure if the headings will have text sizes bigger than the body text, and the image captions smaller. For now, the accepted captions are the bottom of the caption of images.
An example:
After the work is ready you can do the necessary design adjustments.
Video tutorial
Future Development
This service is under development, tending to improve the quality of design and the general user experience. For any question, please refer to the contact form on this site.